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Extra Form
Abbreviation EET 13008
Place Elephant Moraine 2
latitude 76°17.217'S
Longitude 156°27.872'E
Date Jan 09, 2014
Pieces 1
Mass (g) 6.4
Class Ordinary
Group L6
Shock S3
Weathering W1
Fa (mol %) 25.2±0.7
Fs (mol %) 21.1±0.4



EET 13008_BSE.jpg

List of Articles
No. Mass (g) Class Group Shock Weathering Fa (mol %) Fs (mol %)
10 Elephant Moraine 13010 0.1 Ordinary LL6 S2 W1 30.4±1.5 24.8±3.1
9 Elephant Moraine 13009 5.6 Ordinary L6 S3 W1 24.9±0.3 21.2±0.6
» Elephant Moraine 13008 6.4 Ordinary L6 S3 W1 25.2±0.7 21.1±0.4
7 Elephant Moraine 13007 64.6 Ordinary L6 S3 W1 24.9±0.6 21.2±0.8
6 Elephant Moraine 13006 0.2 Ordinary H5 S2 W1 18.3±1.1 16.3±1.0
5 Elephant Moraine 13005 21.6 Ordinary L6 S4 W1 25.6±1.9 21.1±0.5
4 Elephant Moraine 13004 6.4 Ordinary L6 S4 W1 24.7±0.5 20.9±0.5
3 Elephant Moraine 13003 1.6 Ordinary L6 S4 W1 25.1±1.1 21.1±1.2
2 Elephant Moraine 13002 12.8 Carbonaceous CK5 30.3±0.2 28.1±2.4
1 Elephant Moraine 13001 0.5 Ordinary LL6 S1 W0 31.2±0.4 25.2±0.3
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Korea Polar Research Institute
26, Songdomirae-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea
Curator: changkun"at"

Copyright (C) Korea Polar Research Institute. All rights reserved.

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